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Discover a proven framework for accomplishing anything you put your mind to, even when it seems impossible!

Let's have a no obligation chat and get you some clarity right now to Believe in yourself and your goals.

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Banish the doubt and learn how to Believe.

Build a realistic plan and crush it. 

Blow your mind with who you  Become.

Life has a way of making our biggest dreams feel unrealistic, and when you’re someone who takes pride in accomplishing anything she puts her mind to, that’s a tough pill to swallow!

Ask yourself:

What will my future self think of me if I don’t go after something I know deep down I have the ability to do?

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Hi, I'm

As a driven woman who has faced some tough road blocks in my own life, I know how frustrating it feels when that thing you want the most seems out of reach.


But I can also tell you one thing for sure - if you can imagine yourself doing it, you CAN do it.


After overcoming a tragic event, I discovered a repeatable process for beating seemingly impossible odds. I became a Goals coach to help other women do the same.


I've dedicated my life to helping women all over the world achieve whatever they think is impossible, with self-love,  self-trust and fun!

Amanda Lupis Signature
Work Station

I’ve spent years coaching women to make their dreams happen and have honed this process into a proven

3- step framework that anyone can learn.

This framework is called  

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With my proven framework,

Believe Build Become you can:

Boost your self-confidence and beat imposter syndrome?

Manage stress and keep overwhelm in check?

Master time management and prioritize like a pro?

Start a successful new business?

Set and maintain healthy boundaries?

Achieve a balanced work-life rhythm?

Lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Land that well-deserved promotion at work?

Smoothly transition back to work after raising kids?

Set an impossible goal and achieve it with ease?

Learn how to play the long game to build the life of your dreams?

Your goals are endless and with my help you will achieve them with self-love, self-trust and fun!

Where do you need help to achieve your goals?

Is there something you know deep-down that you were meant to accomplish, but feel frustrated because it just doesn’t seem possible to even attempt?

Let’s talk and I will show you how I can help.

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Amanda has been an incredible influence in my life for years. Her guidance and support have been nothing short of extraordinary, touching my heart in the most genuine and loving way. Her words of wisdom have empowered me to become the best version of myself, and her care for others is truly unparalleled.


Amanda's inner beauty radiates through her actions, always prioritizing the well-being of those around her. Even in our friendship, she consistently checks in on me and supports me in reaching my goals. I cannot express how overjoyed I am that she has chosen to pursue this path professionally, sharing her beautiful heart and brilliant mind with the world.


Choosing Amanda as your goals coach will be a decision you'll cherish forever. Trust me when I say, she was born for this. 

Immaculee Ilibagiza
Immaculee - Left To Tell

World leading speaker on faith, hope and forgiveness

New York Times best selling author

"Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust"

Amanda is a wonderfully astonishing human being. Beautiful inside and out, her passion to support women become their best selves is a direct reflection of her incredible humanity. Amanda went through something that really moved me. She has taught me that vulnerability is a superpower. She continues to astonish me with her humility, unwavering support and bottomless bag of sage advice. I am drawn to her empowered nature and her leading personality.  Amanda supported me through a very tricky time in my life where I had a lot of personal and creative obstacles to overcome. Some of which seemed way far out of my reach to process or get out of. I wouldn’t have had the perspective, strength or tools to overcome some of these most challenging moments in my life without her unfaltering deep care. 


Amanda coaches with a profound love of life. She embodies the term Joie De Vivre, she is funny, friendly and consistently relaxes me into seeing another point of view. She is personally invested in your success. These are all winning combinations to find in someone you would want to count on and trust for career and life advice. 

Amanda’s story is a true inspiration to me. She overcame the most impossible odds to reach her wildest dreams and inner peace. I would like to think I am an extension of her commitment to herself, and hope that I can be a part of this economy by doing the same one day, to empower other women with the self-belief she has helped me re-discover. 


From the bottom of my heart, thank you Amanda Lupis! 

- Georgia Flood

Actor / Singer-Songwriter / Producer

My Clients Get Results

Success Stories From Some Of My Clients Around The World 

Jennie, Interior Designer, Sydney

Jennie used to be swamped by juggling her four children, running her design business, and managing driving with anxiety. Now, armed with essential tools, she gracefully manages family, career, and drives with more ease – achieving the once impossible goal.

My Coaching Promise to You

When you go all-in on yourself and learn how to take sustainable action using the tools and strategies I will teach you, your world will explode with new opportunities.

Here's how I help you get there:

Step 1

Book a Free Goals Consultation Call

Let's have a no-obligation chat and get you some clarity right now to Believe in yourself and your goals.


We'll talk about what you want, what's in the way, and I’ll show you how I can help. I'll provide some easy tips you can use right now.


We start with a 6-month plan which includes 20 x 50 minute sessions to Build towards your goal.


In the first session, we’re going to start clearing your brain of all your self-doubt.

Step 2

Step 3

Make Your Goal Happen

Become the woman who achieved her seemingly impossible goal.


Click the button below to take the first step to achieving your goal.

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