I’m Amanda, a woman who knows what it's like to face seemingly impossible odds. Through experiences in my life, I've learned that the odds are in your mind and that you can overcome them.
Twice in my life, I almost gave up on something I desperately wanted because I was told it was impossible. The first time was after I shattered two vertebrae in my back. I was in a car accident when I was 19 years old, and I was partially paralysed. And in an instant, my dream career of being an international model was crushed. Since the age of seven, I had been taking modelling classes, entering competitions, and doing whatever it took to make my dream career happen, only to be told by my team of doctors that I may never walk again.

But thanks to my amazing mom, I fought my way back from impossible odds. While I laid flat for one month in the hospital, she put headphones on my ears and had me listen to Tony Robbins life coaching CDs teaching me tools to overcome anything that seemed impossible by using my mind. I learned how to drown out the negativity of most people around me and I learned how to take the first step toward walking again, which was believing it was possible for me to walk.
I decided to live from my future, even though I was depressed and couldn't move my legs. With a few seeds of belief, each day I visualized I was walking, and that I was a model living around the world. I would ask myself; how would she think? How would she be talking to herself right now? I started living from that headspace every day, even when the nurses were changing my bedpan.
I developed a relationship with both versions of myself. I was devastated, but yet I was determined. I learned how to ask myself the question, how can this situation work for me instead of against me?
Slowly but surely, I became her. My story changed. My identity changed. After two years of rehabilitation, not only did I learn how to walk again, but I used those same mental tools to rebuild my career path, and I made my dream career of becoming an international model a reality for over 20 years.
The second time is when my husband and I decided to have children. Our IVF journey was incredibly difficult. It took us from Hong Kong to Sydney to New York through seven rounds of IVF and multiple miscarriages. But the most challenging was my first round of IVF when I had a second trimester miscarriage at 19 weeks and delivered our triplets stillborn.
This was the worst day of my life. I was emotionally traumatized and physically broken. Through the grieving, I used my prior experience from that hospital bed and learning to walk to find the strength to carry on. This time, my impossible goal was to have a family. The years were long, and they were hard, and they felt impossible, but I did not give up. I am thrilled to say that IVF eventually worked, and I have three beautiful daughters and a completely new outlook on what I know I can make possible for myself and my family.
Through these experiences, I created a repeatable and transferable process and I have dedicated my life to helping women believe, build, and become the person who can and will accomplish anything she puts her mind to with self-love, self-trust, and fun.